Welcome to The Writer’s Attic

An attic is a lofty place, a place to sort through complex thoughts. Here, our discussions move beyond the basics of writing and into more specific skills. As I experiment with my own fiction writing, I share with you the ideas and approaches I’m using to enhance my stories.

Who am I?

I’m Parker Peevyhouse, author of novels published by Penguin and Macmillan. I occasionally teach creative writing courses and provide paid writing critiques.

My books have been called “rare gems” (BCCB), “complex, unique, and alluring” (VOYA), “compulsively readable” (Booklist), “excellent” (Booklist), and “thrilling” (Kirkus).

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Come On Up!

Climb the ladder, pull out your notebook, and let’s do some deep thinking.

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Parker Peevyhouse's thoughts on writing. An in-depth look at how to craft compelling fiction.


Author of books from Penguin and Macmillan. Obsessed with trees.