Thank you so much for sharing this! I think you presented the information in such a clean way with a very clear, appealing design too.
The topic of goal-setting is especially popular at this time of year, and there is a lot of content that looks at the ineffective or potentially misleading side of goal-setting. I wonder if goals sometimes get a bad reputation because they're not always set realistically—or, as you pointed out from the book, it might amount to a moment that makes one feel like it’s not enough. That is so important to keep in mind too when assessing whether we really want something.
I do think there is hope for goals. I've been a natural goal-setter since high school and I'm constantly setting and hopefully achieving these goals. I think a lot of it lies in the goal's design as well as the system put in place to help support that goal, along with motivation. When designed well, a goal can help someone fulfill something they dream of.
I REALLY like that exercise where you identified gaps! I'm interested in doing that exercise too. I think I'll take a closer look at the questions you posed when I explore writing exercises in my new notebook. I also see the effectiveness of your idea to define your writer identity rather than focusing on identifying/labelling the types of stories you write (I've got to read your books! I love YA, fantasy, suspense and sci-fi. My novel In Your Dreams that I hope to publish soon is YA sci-fi).
Again, thank you for taking the time to share these learnings and for presenting them in such an organized, helpful way. I appreciate it and look forward to learning more!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I think you presented the information in such a clean way with a very clear, appealing design too.
The topic of goal-setting is especially popular at this time of year, and there is a lot of content that looks at the ineffective or potentially misleading side of goal-setting. I wonder if goals sometimes get a bad reputation because they're not always set realistically—or, as you pointed out from the book, it might amount to a moment that makes one feel like it’s not enough. That is so important to keep in mind too when assessing whether we really want something.
I do think there is hope for goals. I've been a natural goal-setter since high school and I'm constantly setting and hopefully achieving these goals. I think a lot of it lies in the goal's design as well as the system put in place to help support that goal, along with motivation. When designed well, a goal can help someone fulfill something they dream of.
I REALLY like that exercise where you identified gaps! I'm interested in doing that exercise too. I think I'll take a closer look at the questions you posed when I explore writing exercises in my new notebook. I also see the effectiveness of your idea to define your writer identity rather than focusing on identifying/labelling the types of stories you write (I've got to read your books! I love YA, fantasy, suspense and sci-fi. My novel In Your Dreams that I hope to publish soon is YA sci-fi).
Again, thank you for taking the time to share these learnings and for presenting them in such an organized, helpful way. I appreciate it and look forward to learning more!