Fish out of water really comes to mind lol especially with mine being under the water and she has to come out 😂

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Shala and Vardo sat either side of Rose as she silently steered the caravan onwards; She had much to ponder. She had felt an instant kinship to this woman and was surprised when she sided with her but could not explain to herself why that should be so. Just as she had instantly mistrusted Vardo. She was troubled by these strangers and could cast them both out but thought it would be just one. There was more to Rose than they knew, and she was ready to safeguard her caravan and if necessary, Shala. She would not wait much longer

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Thank you for the kind compliment!

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They crossed the platform, hand in hand. A man before them fluxed between standing still and walking forward, the diaphanous images connected by ribbons of coruscating light. They passed through the oscillations; Beatrice felt nothing, nor was the effect disrupted.

“Why are some people so distorted?”

“My guess? It’s because you don’t belong. You’re bollixing up time somehow.”

Beatrice gave a nervous half-chuckle. “Look at me, a disturbance in the force.” The man suddenly vanished, and she stopped. “What happened? Did I do something?”

Donna shook her head. “It’s odd, but most passengers never board. I think they’re the survivors.”

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I like how you use both elevated language and ordinary dialog--such a cool effect.

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